New Resarc PhD Course in the Communications series: Exhibiting Architecture, or Architectural Exhibitionism
This doctoral course is concerned with the communication of architecture through exhi- bition. Exploring the architectural exhibition both as subject and method, this course will investigate means for scholars in architecture and related fields to correlate critical dis- course with societal concerns, and to communicate such means both inside and outside their disciplines. Concerned about architectural exhibitionism, or how architecture has exhibited itself over time, this course argues that contemporary architecture is not only put on stage but is likewise (re)constructed and (re)defined through the very means of communication itself. Hence, to communicate architecture through exhibition is a con- temporary act.
Guided by close readings of the history and theory of architectural exhibitions, we will ask: What are the communicating aspects of architectural exhibitions, both now and then? Are the preoccupations of architecture through exhibition continually changing, cy- clical, or constant? What are the objectives of institutions, curators, designers, and critics in and around these architectural exhibitions? How can other means of knowledge dis- semination supplement the exhibition format, such as catalogues, articles, book chapters, and movies? What works are included, and which are excluded? What role do architects play in the exhibition of their own field? And how might revisiting these canonical exhibi- tions shape not only our understanding of how contemporary architecture has been com- municated over time, but also our capacity to influence the future of architecture through the medium of staging exhibitions? How can we as architectural researchers deploy the exhibition as a medium to develop and share new knowledge?
Seminar 1: Architectural Exhibitions as Subject & Method (26-29 April 2021, afternoon sessions CET)
Seminar 2: Exhibiting Doctoral Research (9-10 June 2021, afternoon sessions CET)
Seminar 3: The Future of Architectural Exhibitions (During the Architecture Days, Preliminary 1-2 September 2021)
Starts: 26.04.2021
Ends: 02.09.2021
for application is 07.04.2021
Apply by sending a statement of interest to
Contact, and course responsibility
Per-Johan Dahl:
Whitney Moon:
For more info and instructions for registration, please visit
ResArc coordinator: